Friday, October 15, 2010

Visit from the Seattle Firefighters

There is a wonderful new fire station down the street from the girls’ preschool and the very kind firefighters brought their big fire engine and parked it right out front of the school.  They came inside a spoke to the kids, let them ask questions, then they got to go explore the fire engine.  Emma had a blast, Madi wasn’t so comfortable.  She actually wasn’t comfortable with any of the visit.  At one point one of the firefighters knelt down and whispered something in her ear.  I would pay $10,000 to know what he said to her.  IMG_8512-1 IMG_8545-1 IMG_8548-1 IMG_8550-1 IMG_8556-1 Who doesn’t want to drive a fire engine? IMG_8576-1IMG_8572-1

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