Saturday, July 18, 2009

Their Day with Nana and Papa

  The girls spent 2 nights and 3 days with Nana and Papa while Daddy was in Montana for work and mama was at home cleaning and organizing.

Here is Nana's update from Thursday:

So, our day started at, milk, morning paper and sesame street in bed with Nana and Papa...our routine, although usually for us it's coffee, paper, and Today show!
I decided to be big and brave and take them to the zoo by myself.  We get there at the entrance and I have no wallet...yikes!  We were heading back home and then I remembered Michael keeps a stash of cash in the glove comp, so we made it in along with busloads of campers.  It was quite warm and the animals were nowhere to be seen!  But, we did find a kid zone with fun things to climb on and a small water squirt area, so after getting soaked, we came home for naps.  They slept in the car despite my turning up the radio and putting down the windows so weren't too happy about being put to bed, but they settled down and just chatted for an hour or so.  I got them up and gave them yogurt pushup popsicles outside and then Michael came out and we put the hose on to clean them off.  Madi loved that more than Emma.  Dinner was another total mess, but instead of the hose which we probably should have done, we attempted baths and they weren't thrilled.  We then went for a long walk, story time and they passed out around 7.
Home tomorrow, but probably not until late afternoon.  Maybe we'll try the local park in the am.  Can't believe they will be 2 on Sat...much too fast!

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