Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mommy's Little Helper

Emma has turned into quite the worker bee.  She loves to help around the house.  She loves to throw things in the garbage, help unload the dishwasher, bring you your shoes, get her jacket and shoes when it is time to go bye-bye, and her latest trick is feeding Papi.  The last few nights she has gone to grab Papi's bowl and gesture that it's time for him to eat.  She gets to pour the cupful of dry food into his dish.  Tonight she decided it was her job to hold his bowl and make sure he ate.  Thankfully Papi is a gentle, kind dog and doesn't mind someone getting that close to his food.  P1010752 P1010754

Katie and Emerson Heady were over last Thursday when Emma discovered the large bag of dog food sitting in the corner. 

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