Sunday, January 4, 2009

What a weekend...

On Thursday and Friday poor little Emma had a runny nose.  I figured it was caused by teething because she is still missing a bunch of teeth and they have to come in sometime.  But I was wrong.  Saturday morning it was worse and she clearly wasn't feeling well.  We had to cancel our appearance at Jacob Morales' birthday party.  Nicholas was coming to stay the night with us while Kiersten spent a night with some girl friends.  The evening went well.  The girls had a lot of fun playing with Nicholas.  As we got closer and closer to bedtime it was clear Emma was still getting worse.  We put the girls to bed just after 6 and at 9 she was still up screaming and wanted nothing to do with sleep.  Finally, we had a moment of quite and she fell asleep.  At 11 Chad heard her coughing and went to check on her.  I could hear her barking from downstairs.  I ran up and she was breathing so hard and shallow so I grabbed her, my shoes and wallet and off to Children's ER we went.  Three hours later we were home with a diagnosis of croup.  I was very relieved and quite proud that with two premature babies it has taken us nearly 18 months to make our first trip to the ER.  I am sure it won't be our last.  She had her ups and downs all day but overall is doing much better.  She went to bed at 5:30.  And then... Round 4 of snow.  Madeline is thankfully feeling great and is in a fantastic mood so she and I went out to see the snow for a few minutes.  IMG_6454

Nicholas and Madi playing.


Poor Emma trying to eat her peaches and cream with a little snot.  (she is going to kill me for this pic later)


The three kids playing nicely in the tent this morning.  Emma already feeling better.


Chad, Madi and Nicholas taking Papi for a morning walk.



Madi playing in the snow tonight.


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