To grow up in Forest Ridge. While Kiersten and the cousins were in town, so were all of our friends from my childhood. We grew up on a great little street in Gig Harbor with lots of kids to run around with. On Saturday, August 7th we were all able to get together at Nana and Papa’s. We got to catch up with the whole Richards gang, the Sarrensen Clan, The Majeskis, and the Fishers. With everyone all grown up there were quite a few little ones running around including three sets of twins. It was so much fun to see everyone.
The weather could have been better but the kids didn’t care either way. They all wanted to play on the giant slide regardless.
The three sets of twinkies and their Forest Ridge mom and dads. I still find it incredible that three of us on our street ended up with twins all within about a year of each other.
The original crew, top to bottom, left to right;
Chelle M, Kiersten C, Peter S, Patrick R, Kendra C, Katie R, Susie F, Scott S, Courtney C, Christina S, and Katie C. Missing was Steven M and Jeff F.
Kiersten and Christina, the two first born girls with their own first born girls, Caroline and Scout.
An attempt to get all the littles in one picture.
Caroline and Scout had so much fun.
Nana and Becky, my other mom. Now that I am a mom I can appreciate the support these two amazing women provided for each other.
Being silly
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