Emma has really been showing us how grown up she is lately. With Daddy standing near by she somehow managed to grab a new carton of milk behind his back. She took the milk over to the cup drawer, pulled out a milk cup, opened the milk and attempted to pour it. Well, it doesn’t look like any made it into the cup but instead all over the floor in which case she grabbed a towel out of the towel drawer and began cleaning it up. When daddy realized what had occurred, this is what we saw. Too funny.
Last night she had a cup of water that she had set on the floor. Papi came running by and knocked it over so she went to the towel drawer and got a towel to clean it up. Such a good little helper.
Madi has also been showing her independence lately. One day after naps, I stayed upstairs to change Emma. When I came down, this is what I found Madi doing… Helping herself to a snack.
From upstairs to down she managed to strip off her clothes, go to the pantry, retrieve the bag of Cheerios, take it to the table and filled up her cup. This really only took seconds, or the amount of time it took me to change Emma’s diaper. They are fast.
Needless to say, the pantry has a new lock and the milk is no longer in reach.
Other happenings… We have taken a couple trips to the zoo and found that there was a wing we had never seen before. I am not sure how I managed to completely look past the Northern Trail. It was like I knew it was there but wasn’t sure where it really was, so we just skipped it. So we finally checked it out and saw the brown bears, the otters, some elk, a wolf, a mountain goat and a couple bald eagles. It is a really cool little corner of the zoo. We also finally saw the kangaroos, emus and snow leopards. The girls love the otters.
The baby gorilla was showing off for us too. He came up to the glass and was dancing around. I couldn’t get the girls to get close enough to get them in a picture though.
We also took a trip to the Puyallup Fair. The girls enjoyed looking at the animals and walking around. Emma took part in riding the carousel, playing the drums in the African Safari, and trying cotton candy. Madi was pretty content just hanging in the stroller.
Peeking in on the baby pigs.
Not completely sure of what is going on, but riding anyway.
Playing the drums.
Happily hanging in the stroller with her pencil and book.
Mmmm, cotton candy.
School has also been going great! They have now been in school for two weeks and are loving it. I am too; as Friday I officially dropped them off and left. On Tuesdays, I stay and help out in the classrooms, then on Fridays they are dropped off and our buddy mom stays and helps out. Last Friday I was really nervous about leaving them. I wasn’t sure how Madi would handle it. I wasn’t too worried about Emma as she seems to adapt pretty well and doesn’t mind other moms helping her or holding her. I decided to leave them at free play time and then returned for circle time and snack. When I returned, they didn’t see me so I decided to stay out of sight and observe. I sat and watched them do circle time, wash hands and have snack all with their buddy and his mom. They were doing great and didn’t need me at all. So this Friday, I took them to school, got them settled with toys and said goodbye. They did awesome and were so cute when they finally saw me at pick up. I now have 2 hours to myself on Friday mornings. It is the strangest feeling.