Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Photo Shoot

Yesterday we had Leo come over and take pictures of the girls.

He caught Emma with her tongue out.

Madeline is SO BIG

Emma so calm and peaceful. If only she was like that at 2 am.

Grandma BB was visiting from Duxbury. It is hard to be so far away from the other half of our family.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Finally Together

We are able to finally let the girls share a crib and get to know each other.

We won't be able to hold both of them at once for long.

Feeding two newborns at the same time is a little tricky.

Papi is very good with the girls. He likes to sneak in kisses whenever he can.

Play Time

Touch Down!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Coming Home!!!!!

On Sunday August 5th we were able to take Emma home. It was very hard to leave Madeline behind but nice to ease into the whole parenting thing.

Then finally on Tuesday, August 7th it was Madeline's turn to come home and see her new house. We weren't expecting her to be able to come home then, we had thought it wouldn't have been until Wednesday. I went to Swedish in the morning to visit her and the nurse said I could take her home. Of course I wasn't prepared and Chad was at home with Emma. He had to pack Emma up and come bring Madeline's things for going home.

Chad walking down the hall of the hospital one last time.

All packed up in Daddy's car.

This is the sight I came home to. We had seperate cars so instead of following Chad home with the girls, I went to get us lunch. He was a super dad and got both girls home, changed and fed. I am a horrible mom and missed Madeline's homecoming. I think I was a little bit overwhelmed with trying to get things done.

Hanging out at Swedish Medical Center

There were many days spent visiting the girls in the hospital. They were very well taken care of but it was tough. They spent 5 days in the NICU and then were moved to the special care nursery where they worked hard on eating and growing.

Daddy hanging out with Emma

Daddy and Madeline

Giving Madeline a bottle

Now it's Emma's turn

Both girls were a little jaundice and had to hang out under the tanning lights for a little while.

Bath Time!

Our first family photo

Auntie Katie came to visit a lot.

Uncle Ryan came too.

It is so nice to have Katie and Ryan home from California for good.

Now we just have to wait for Auntie Kendra to get here at the end of August.

Madeline and Emma

After a long three weeks in the hospital on bedrest, we welcomed Madeline and Emma into the world. They were born at 34weeks 3 days. Everything went very well and they came out screaming and breathing on their own. They were taken to the NICU to grow and gain strength.

Madeline Sophia Borden born July 18th, 8:28 am, 4lbs 6oz

Emma Jenkins Borden born July 18th, 8:29 am, 4lbs 11oz