Each year Daddy has a business meeting in Boston the week after Thanksgiving so we decided this year it would be fun to spend Thanksgiving visiting BB, and Grammy and Grampie. We were scheduled to fly out Monday night on the redeye. And Monday morning the snow began to fall, and fall, and fall. By that evening the roads around us were closed and the freeways were all a MESS!!! Of course the girls were excited and ready to get on the airplane. It is hard to explain that we aren’t going to two three year olds who have their hearts set on it. Madi even stated that she didn’t like the snow because we couldn’t drive in it. We called the airline and they told us that if the flight was canceled we would be rebooked. If the flight wasn’t canceled we would have to pay the change fee and difference in fare to get on a new flight. Because there was NO way for us to get to the airport, we told them we would not be going and prayed that the flight would be canceled. Somehow the flight ended up taking off at 3am (scheduled for 10:30pm) without the Bordens. Now, because Chad had to get back to Boston for his meeting, he was able to work with his company’s travel department and they were able to work with Jet Blue and we were all able to get on the redeye Tuesday night without paying an extra penny. I was so excited and so were the girls. They totally came through for us. We finally arrived at BB’s around noon on Wednesday.
Thursday we headed to Westport to spend Thanksgiving with Grammy and Grampie. The food was fabulous and it was fun to see the Borden side of the family. Friday, we headed back to Duxbury and were able to spend some time with our friends Lucy and Hank. On Saturday, Mommy and Daddy got to go out to a little party hosted by the Bartletts and catch up with everyone.
Every year at the town center there is a little holiday festival with pony rides and pictures with Santa. We took the girls up there, hit the hot spots and headed home. On Monday, Daddy headed to Boston for his meeting while the girls and I stayed in Duxbury and hung out with BB. The weather was beautiful so the girls spent a lot of time outside. We made it to the beach one day and then took the girls to a great little Christmas village another day. Daddy’s meeting ended Thursday so the girls and I went up to Boston to meet him and stay the night before flying out on Friday. We took the girls to The Children’s Museum, walked around the city, and had lunch with Uncle Jake before flying home.
The girls loved this giant cat that Grammy and Grampie had.
Madi enjoying her Pumpkin pie. I think she just liked the whip cream.

They had a blast playing with Grampie and jumping all over his chair and the couches.
Watching morning cartoons in Grampie’s favorite chair.
BB got the girls scooters for Christmas. They took a little while to get used too, they had way more fun when daddy was pushing.
They girls could spend days painting with BB in her studio. 

Our first photo with Santa at Hal’s Corner.
Pony rides!
BB and the girls driving Santa’s sleigh being pulled by the Duxbury dragon.
Helping BB rake the leaves. Or at least playing in them.
Off to the beach even if it is only 40 some degrees.

More running around the yard and all the neighbors’ yards too.

One of my most favorite pictures.
And another one.
Looking at the Christmas Village put together by Jordan’s Furniture. It was really neat and the girls got to experience their first laser light show after walking through the displays.